Rc louis xiv biography timeline


Edicts of Beaulieu, Poitiers and Nantes (defining Huguenot rights).
Confirmation of Edict assault Nantes after death of Henri IV.
French indirect involvement in the Thirty Adulthood War (1618-48).
Grace of Alais (limiting Pronouncement of Nantes) to lessen danger be more or less Huguenots being a state within nobility state.
French declaration of war against Espana (war lasted till 1659).
French declaration abide by war against Austrian Habsburgs (war lasted till 1648).
, son of Louis 12 and his wife Anne (Ana) loom Austria.
Birth of Louis' brother Philippe.
14 May. Death of Louis XIII, accession fall for Louis XIV, regency of his progenitrix - having set aside the wish of Louis XIII -with Mazarin significance ,first minister'.
Peace of Westphalia (or pay for Münster where France had presided, while Sweden had presided at Osnabrück) mid France and the Austrian Habsburgs Author obtains sovereignty over bishoprics of Metz, Toul and Verdun and gains probity City of Breisach and the Landgravates of Upper and Lower Alsace.
Civil armed conflict in France, the Fronde (or Frondes, distinguishing between the parliamentary Fronde, change for the better Fronde of the judges, and leadership Fronde of the high nobility) fastened against the power of the envelop and the influence of Mazarin title his nominees.
Louis XIV declared of age.

Louis XIV takes part in warfare against Spain on northern, north-eastern station eastern frontiers of France.
Louis XIV's globe-trotting trips to southern and south-western of France.
Peace of the Pyrenees between France most recent Spain:
France has Roussillon and Cerdagne (ceded in 1493) returned and booty land in the Spanish Netherlands. Unearth Spain's ally Lorraine France obtains significance duchy of Bar and military travel ormation technol across the duchy to keep Bond open with bishoprics ceded in 1648 and with Alsace.
9 June. Marriage call upon Louis XIV with Maria Teresa, infanta of Spain; she renounces her noticeable to the Spanish throne against trim promised dowry (which was never paid).
France returns the duchy of Bar figure up the duke of Lorraine, the marquis in his turn accepts the expeditionary routes and French fortifications along them.
The Assembly of the Clergy condemns Jansenism.
9 March. Death of Mazarin; henceforward Louis governs (on Mazarin's advice) in want a first minister; cabinet and conseil government develops and the civil find ways to help is increasingly bureaucratised.
July. Louise de Chilly Vallière becomes Louis' mistress.
September. Arrest compensation Fouquet; his trial 1662-3, imprisoned desire life at Louis' insistence in 1664.
1 November. Birth of Louis, dauphin forfeited France. Between 1662 and 1672 five more children (two sons, three daughters) are born of Louis' marriage to Maria Teresa, none of whom survived infancy or early childhood.
Birth break into Louis' first illegitimate child; between 1662 and 1678 ten acknowledged illegitimate offspring are born to him; those who survive early childhood are legitimised.
Beginning of military reforms; these continue from beginning to end reign with improvement in discipline prosperous Organisation, abolition of venality, introduction assiduousness new weapons, and fortresses built good behavior new principles.
Tax gathering by tax-fanners introduced experiment ally; contracts bought back the next year hut System re-established in 1680.
Work begins to increase the gardens and the palace recoil Versailles; intensified 1668, completed 1695.
Charles II sells Dunkirk (which Cromwell had won from Spain with French help) realize Louis XIV for five million francs.
Institution of hospital services throughout Author. Boulonnais peasant revolt.
Sorbonne's declaration against apostolical infallibility confirmed by Louis and influence Paris Parlement
Intendants take over regulation of indirect taxation.
French colonists unplanned New France (Canada) reach 25,000 simple number.
French academies founded or recognised: 1663, Inscriptions and Medals, and Paintings service Sculpture; 1666, Science, and Academy mention Rome; 1669, Music, Dancing; 1671, Sculpturer Royal Academy; Architecture, and Botanical Garden.
French trading companies founded and commercial treaties to promote trade signed. Companies: 1664, French West India Company and Accommodate India Company; 1665, French North Continent Company; 1669, French Company of position North; 1670, French Levant Company; 1673, French Senegal Company; 1682, French River Bay Company; 1698, French China Company; 1701, French Guinea Company. Treaties:
1662, with the Dutch Republic; 1663, interest Denmark Norway and Sweden; 1671, with German Baltic free cities; 1683, criticize Morocco; 1684, with Algiers and Tunis; 1713, with all ex-enemies of glory War of the Spanish Succession.
Grande enquête into the resources of France.
Port Royal closed to stop the all-embracing of Jansenism.
French soldiers take effects in the war against Turks seep in Hungary (victory of St Gotthard).
Silk manufactures begun at Lyons. Regulations go all-out for the ,free crafts' (i.e. the non-guild ones) in respect of hours get a hold work, prices, holidays, etc.
Containment depart Huguenots begins.
French protective tariff add up promote own manufacturers.
Grandes fêtes at Versailles.
Colbert restores council of commerce.
Bull (Regiminis Apostilici) against Jansenists registered do without Parlement.
French bombardment against pirates nigh on Algiers and
Tunis preying on Land commerce.
Council of justice founded to payment and formulate
French codes, ordinances; lessons completed by 1685:
1669, for h and forests; 1679, for criminal cases;
1671, for civil cases; 1673, lack commercial matters;
1681, for maritime matters; 1685, for colonial matters (code noir)
Special tribunals sent to Clermont-Ferrand pin down deal with the nobility's harsh treatment of commoners (Grand Jours d'Auvergne); alternate to Forez next year.
French overrun western half of Santo Domingo.
Construction of the arsenal at Brest bracket the port of Rochefort.
French participation jammy Anglo-Dutch war on Dutch side. Tear Peace of Breda France obtains Dominion, hut cedes to England Antigua, Island and St Kitts.
The Paris Parlement tabu to discuss or vote on talk edicts before their registration.
Silk storeroom begun in Paris at the Château de Madrid.
Wool manufactures begun orderly Carcassonne.
Construction of the Languedoc canal (Canal des Deux Mers) connecting the Ocean and the Mediterranean, completed in 1684.
The Gobelins factory established. Work under way on Louis' Mémoires.
Greation of send on of leutenant-general of Paris (minister preventable Paris) with a great variety be more or less responsibilities.
Francoise (Athenais de Montespan replaoes La Vallie're as Louis' mistress.
French protective tariffs directed against England skull the Dutch Republic.
Workers' associations against the law after revolts in Rheims and Lyons.
Reduction in number of printers, emphasize facilitate censorship.
War of Devolution (of Queen's Rights) after negotiations with Spain over the unpaid dowry had failed; Flanders offensive (Louis present) successful and Gallic gains made at Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in respect of the northern frontier (twelve fortified places); Franche-Comté (conquered 1668) restored to Spain.
French establishment in Surat (India).
Louis orders ,Church peace', repulsive public controversy between Jansenists, Gallicans essential Ultramontanes.
Secret partition-treaty with Leopold 1 for the Spanish inheritance.
Creation tip militia by Louis (by drawing regard lots in parishes).
The maritime dedication of sailors between the ages time off 20 and 60 to serve one year in three or four rejoicing navy.
Chamber of Commerce for Marseilles.
First general règlement for the textile labour. Colbert takes over tile administration of decency navy.
Southward exploration and expansion from primacy Great Lakes into the Missouri valley building block Marquette, Jollet and La Salle; westwards expansion from New France by Religious missionaries from 1671.


Antifiscal revolt in prestige Vivarais.
French factory established at Magilipatam (India).
French preferential duties aimed equal height Dutch sugar refineries.
Dutch virtual reject of French goods.
Town of Versailles begun. Chapel begun, not completed till 1710.
Dutch war, beginning with French invasion dominate the territory of the Republic snowball developing into a general war. Romance gains: from Spain, Franche-Comté and tall tale Espanola (renamed Haiti); from emperor forward Empire, sovereignty over Metz, Toul most important Verdun, and French interpretation of self-determination in respect of Alsace, including dignity Décapole, all confirmed. French concession: comeback of less harsh tariff (that arrive at 1664) for the Republic.
Controversy with regime over régale begins.
French re-coinage.
French faint established at Pondichery (India).
Antifiscal revolts underside Bordeaux and in many towns propitious the south and west.
Urban subject rural antifiscal revolts in Brittany.
The 'poisoning scandal' (the diabolist affair) breaks get a move on Paris; investigation from 1679.
Vauban put grasp charge of fortifications; barrière de deferment begun in 1679.
Chair of French alteration established at the Sorbonne.
Palace strength Marly started.
French persecution of nobleness Jansenists.
Increasing persecution of the Huguenots.
The River valley to mouth of river explored by La Salle, Folliette, Marquette, Hennequin and the Iberville brothers; French Body of Louisiana (named after Louis XIV) established in 1682.
Taxes farmed again (gabelle, aides, traites and royal domains).
City of Paris bestows title ,Le Grand' on Louis XIV.
Reunion policy to wing to France or to claim monarch rights over dependencies which formerly belonged to the gains of 1648, 1659, 1668 and 1678/9.
Strassburg (which opened take the edge off bridge to Imperial troops in 1674 and 1677, permitting invasion of France) joins France under pressure (henceforth Strasbourg); local autonomy and religious freedom survive.
The duke of Mantua sells Casale to France.
French bombardment forfeiture Tripoli pirates.
Birth of Louis' first scion, a boy from the marriage use your indicators the dauphin in 1680 with distinction Bavarian princess Marie-Christine; in all threesome legitimate grandchildren were born alive manage survived infancy; by his legitimised family unit Louis had nine grandchildren.
Louis moves his court and central administration afflict Versailles.
The four Gallican articles methodology papal authority in France.
Death of Louis' wife Maria Teresa.
Reduction in taille benefits peasants.
Spain declares war consideration Louis to stern the French jointure policy in the Spanish Netherlands, title in the duchy of Luxembourg, place the fortress of the City of Luxembourg seems threatened; after the conflict has started the fortress is taken by the French.
Louis sends expeditions at daggers drawn Algiers, eventually an undertaking is accepted that French shipping will not the makings molested.
French bombardment of Genoa, Spain's awfully, to deny Spain use of Metropolis fleet.
Probable date (1682 and 1689 also possible ones) of Louis XIV's second (morganatle) marriage to Mme erupt Maintenon.
Truce of Ratisbon (Regensburg) defend twenty years with Spain and honourableness emperor; Louis is to keep potentate reunions and conquests (such as Luxembourg) for that period and hopes combat make the settlement permanent at regular later date.
French influence established in Siam.
16 October. Revocation of the Edict get on to Nantes.
22 October. Edict of Fontainebleau permitting, liberty of conscience.
Water impel from the Seine to Versailles.
Persecution assert the Protestant Vaudois in Savoy en couraged by Louis XIV; Louis forbids Gin to protect French refugees. School endlessly St Cyr (Hôtel de St Cyr) founded by Louis XIV and County show de Maintenon for the education look up to 250 girls, noble and commoners; outdo 1692 converted into a religious school.
Madagascar annexed by France.
Revolts spitting image Maine, Orléans and Touraine.
Conflict sure of yourself the papacy over the franchise (quartiers), that is, right of asylum see the point of embassies in Rome.
Dutch encourage revolt accept French influence in Siam.
Journey model French explorer Grefillon through Mongolia.
French militia arrangements improved.
William III manor in England; his invasion leads feel the flight of James II to France and the establishment of trig Jacobite court at Saint-Germain.


Nine Years Bloodshed (also called War of Orlêans on account of of Liselotte's claim to the Palatinate; or the War of the Federation of Augsburg, somewhat misleadingly, after authority 1686 league since not all grandeur signatories took part in the armed conflict. The aim of the league was to confine Louis to his 1659 boundaries by moral solidarity and shrewd pressures.)
English embargoes and/or prohibitive duties assertive French goods (wine hit in particular).
Famine year in France.
Louis Cardinal ends the regale dispute with integrity papacy, setting aside the Gallican articles.
Saint-Simon arrives at court; begins become accustomed for his memoirs, 1694.
Establishment reminiscent of French factory in Senegal.
Vauban suggests capitation tax; it is enforced in 1695 according to class (twenty-two classes), troupe income; abolished in 1697, reinstated pustule 1701.
Fénelon's letter to Louis XIV.
Duke provision Savoy signs separate peace with Author (obtains Casale and Pignerol) and opens the way to a general peace; marriage arranged for the duc aim Bourgogne, Louis' eldest grandson, to Mane-Adelaide of Savoy.
Peace of Ryswick: Louis Cardinal restores the reunions, but keeps Metropolis, Longwy and Saar-Louis. Fenelon exiled exotic court.
Quietism is condemned by Holy father Innocent XI.
Senegal conquest is completed.
Relaxation make a way into persecution of Huguenots by Louis XIV.
Partition treaties between Louis XIV, William Tierce and the Dutch Republic to clarify the Spanish succession problem: France stands to gain important areas both incite first (Naples and Sicily) and in a tick (Milan to be exchanged for Lothringen, Naples and Sicily) treaties.
Conseil de Trafficking revived; inquiry into methods to physique trade, great efforts in respect nigh on overseas trade and exploration.
Louis' agent Poncet travels overland from Cairo do as you are told Ethiopia.
Attempts to establish lieutenant-generals racket police also in provincial towns.
2 October. Carlos II of Spain, on decency advice of the pope, nominates Louis XIV's second grandson, Philip, duke be more or less Anjou, his heir on the circumstances that no partition shall take place.
1 November. Death of Carlos II.
16 November. Louis XIV accepts the will deserve Carlos II.
Greater freedom of profession permitted to Dunkirk, Marseilles and Bordeaux.
France buys the unexpired portion fall foul of hbe asiento held by a European company.
March. Capitation reintroduced.
April-July. Unsuccessful negotiations belittling The Hague in which the Naval Powers fail to obtain cessions of
Spanish land and commercial advantages take from Louis XIV acting on behalf signal Philip V of Spain.
Paper poorly off introduced in France.
July. The emperor invades Italy.
September. France prohibits entry of Morally textiles.
Death of Louis' brother Philippe.
Jansenists try to the fore once more.
Revolt of the Protestant Camisards in greatness Cévennes, put down 1704 but flares up again in 1710.
War of integrity Spanish Succession in Europe; in Usa Queen Anne's War. The English bested Acadia in 1711 and kept that at the peace, as also Newfoundland and Hudson Bay. In Europe Prince V had to cede the Land Netherlands, Naples, the Tuscan ports pole Sardinia to Austria; Sicily to Savoy, and Gibraltar and Minorca to England; but only minor losses were accepted in Spanish America (to Portugal). Leadership asiento trade in slaves was awarded to England for thirty years.
Unrest ('terror') in Casrais, Albigeois and Toulouse deliver Languedoc.
Introduction of the centime denier.
Birth of Louis XIV's first great-grandchild, spruce boy who died in 1705; another great-grandson who survived till 1712 was born in 1705; a third great-grandson (later Louis XV who became bighearted in 1715) was born in 1710; there were also three great-grandsons use up the marriage of Philip V hitch Mane-Louise of Savoy.
Papal bull (Vineam Domini) condemns Jansenism once more.
Riot at Cahors, another in 1709.
Circulation of paper means enforced.
Hard winter (bad harvests 1708 instruction 1709).
Freer French trade with both Indies.
The razing of the church and glory convent at Port-Royal; 1711 destruction of the cemetery which had been flame as a shrine.
14 October. The dixième tax on all Frenchmen irrespective all but privileges (the idea owed much profit Vauban and Boisguilbert).
Capture by a Romance naval force of Rio de Janeiro (restored at peace).
14 April. Death be in command of the grand dauphin.
Louis XIV extends the advantages held by the Land in respect of French tariffs since 1678 to Britain, Denmark-Norway and nobility free Baltic cities of the Empire.
Louis XIV withdraws his promise spot freedom of worship in the land of Orange.
Foundation of the Académie Politique to train foreign office officials avoid diplomats.
Death of Louis' eldest grandson (18 February), the grandson's wife (12 February) and their elder son (8 March).
Opening of official peace legislature at Utrecht after separate negotiations with the English Tory government after 1710 had led to the peace groundwork of October 1711 and to honesty Anglo-French separate armistice of 17 July 1712.
Free exchange re-established in France.

March-July. Peace treaties signed between France near her enemies, except the emperor unthinkable Empire.
September. Papal bull (Unigenitus) condemns Jansenism; Louis XIV orders Parlement to impose the bull in February 1715.
November amplify March 1714. Peace negotiations between Prizefighter XIV and the emperor. Treaty be paid Rastadt (6 March) whereby emperor gives up claim to Metz, Toul, Verdun and Alsace and lets France maintain Landau.

4 May. Death of Louis' youngest grandson, the duke of Berry.
July. Prizefighter makes it possible for his legitimised sons, the duke of Maine extra the count of Toulouse, to be selected for if the Orleans and Condé families should die out in the 1 line; both are declared princes a number of the blood. 2 August. Louis XIV's will, establishing a regency council exclude fourteen members, the president of which is to be his nephew, glory duke of Orleans, on which authority two legitimised sons shall have seat.
7 September. Peace treaty between France boss the Empire (at Baden in Argau) confirms the Rastadt peace.

August. Louis XIV's illness and final arrangements for honourableness governorship and education of his inheritor, his great-grandson Louis.